is bukowski like cummings
without all the fucking wordplay
or do they both just like lower case
but bukowski liked capitals as much as the next guy
so no consistency there but never mind
so, was bukowski just some drunk
some womaniser
he wrote these books (exhibit a: factotum)
this canon of work, firing bolts of stories, poetry
words cascading over cheap notebooks (not the technological kind)
or bashed out on a typewriter – every line crashing out
with the staccato finality of the carriage return
he was born into this
the grim reality of life and art twisted up
thinking form/structure only worked on words once the spirit had been used up
so gave all his energy to covering those pages, sending them off to literary rags
so, this is Henry (Hank) Charles Bukowski becoming Hank Chanaski
and Hank becoming Matt Dillon
and Matt becoming the Factotum
the man who peforms many jobs across 70s, 80s LA
except that Henry/Hank/Matt can’t hold a single damn job
down for more than a day, a week, a month
the only thing he holds down with any regularity is a gutful of rotgut
and the broads under him who take his cock like a knife
(although Lily Taylor, Marisa Tomei do much more than this)
and the slight ember of hope that his words will finally be read.
Bukowski wrote Barfly too
But always thought Mickey Rourke was too pretty
Dillon is a big pretty guy too but got a gritty voice big enough for the poetry
(and the high contrast of the Dadafon tunes sure brings them out)
Dillon lumbering through the grimy city, grainy celluloid,
Plumbing the depths but also finding the laughs among a sea of characters,
And blowing that ember into flames for every wannabe out there.
Like me.
4 flims.
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